
Transportation Guide

From JR Kagoshima Honsen Line

Please get off at “JR Futsuka-ichi Station,” and walk 13 minutes or take the Nishitetsu bus bound for Yamaguchi/Byodo-ji Temple/Musashi-ga-oka Danchi apartments complex, and get off at Keisatsu-sho-mae, and walk 1(one) minute.
* Timetable for buses leaving from JR Futsuka-ichi Station

From Nishitetsu Omuta Line

Please get off at “Nishitetsu Futsuka-ichi Station,” and take the Nishitetsu bus bound for Yamaguchi/Byodo-ji Temple/Musashiga-oka Danchi apartments complex, get off at Keisatsu-sho-mae, and walk 1(one) minute.
Please get off at “Murasaki Station” and walk 15 minutes.
* Timetable for buses leaving Nishitetsu Futsuka-ichi Station.

From Kyushu Highway

About five minutes’ drive from “Chikushi-no Interchange” of Kyushu Highway
* Please use public transportation as parking is limited.

Outline Facilities Open Hours and Days Closed Transportation Guide Address/contact
Fukuoka Communal Archives
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